BIKINI KILL – s/t (LP Vinyl)

Re-Issue des Riot Girl Klassikers! Anläßlich des 20. Geburtstages wird die Debüt 12" wiederveröffentlicht, als Bonus gibt´s ein großformatiges Fanzine/Poster mit Interviews von Ian MacKaye (u.a. Fugazi) und Molly Neuman (Bratmobile), sowie Linernotes von Layla Gibbon (MRR), Fotos aus dem persönlichen Bandarchiv, .... Bikini Kill was a feminist punk band that was based in Olympia, WA and Washington, DC, forming in 1990 and breaking up in 1997. Bikini Kill is credited with instigating the Riot Grrrl movement in the early ’90s via their political lyrics, zines, and confrontational live performances. The self-titled EP, originally released in the fall of 1992, comprises four songs recorded by Ian MacKaye at Inner Ear Studios; one song from the bands´ 1991 demo cassette, record by Pat Maley (Yo-Yo Studios); and one song recorded during Bikini Kills´ live performance April 4th, 1992, at Washington, D.C. Sanctuary Theater * BK 002