GRETA WOHLFAHRT – wohlfahrt III (12" Vinyl)

3rd release of greta wohlfahrt. two tracks from empty spaces in 2020. first side is a electro filterzap beat driven 12/8 bassline. the track has been mostly done in a live session with ms-10 sequencer controlling korg ms-20 synths. EDP Wasp Synth is chime in for some diffusion. the flipside `tanzlustbarkeiten` is a slow droning mass of darkness breathing for live under concrete rusty dungeons. greta wohlfahrt is both the labels name as it is the name of an unknown, invisible collective of electronic flâneurs and boulevardiers. Stamped Whitelabel, Black Disco Sleaves printed inside out. *Sozialistischer Plattenbau
12" 12,50€*
Lieferzeit 1-3 Tage**