STATE OF FEAR – discography vol. 1 (LP Vinyl)

Erster Teil der "complete discography" einer der führenden US Hardcore-Punk/Crust Bands der 90er, damals aus Ex-Members von Disrupt und Deformed Conscious. Volume 1 enthält das "s/t" Debüt und die "wallow in squalor" EP. Kommt inkl. 12-seitigem Booklet mit Biography, Interviews, Texten und Fotos! "State of Fear adopted a more streamlined hardcore attack than that of either of their former bands, but kept intact the political and dark themes of the crust bands they had come from. This was hardcore made by fans of Swedish bands like Skitlickers, Mob 47, Anti Cimex and although they definitely wear their influences on their sleeve, they created a sound which was enigmatically their own. Entering the scene in the heyday of the Minneapolis crust explosion spearheaded by Profane Existence in 1994, they immediately made their mark with powerful live showings and a no-bullshit delivery" * Sonarize