SUZI MOON – animal (LP Vinyl)

6 Song-EP. Suzi Moons effortless channeling of classic 77 punk rock spirit with a moderntwist continues to evolve and grow. This second twelve inch with Pirates Press Records picks up where her debut left off -blowing us away with more incrediblesongs that will continue her upward trajectory as one of the most engagingwomen involved in punk right now! Theresponse to her first release was fantastic,though not surprising - with the first pressselling out before street date and thelikes of Iggy Pop singing her praises onthe BBC! The touring opportunities havebeen flooding in, despite the covidrestraints, and the show reviews havebeen phenomenal. Were all poised to seeher fanbase grow immensely over thenext year, and this release will be one ofthe biggest things propelling her forward. *PIrates Press