U-ZIQ – challenge me foolish (CD, LP Vinyl)

Ein Album mit µ-Ziq-Material aus der Zeit um 1998-99, eine Ära, in der Mike Paradinas "Royal Astronomy" veröffentlichte und mit Björk auf Tour war. Nicht das Schlechteste, Sound dieser Zeit wiederzuhören. Mike Paradinas went against the grain by producing music that was baroque, melodic and whimsical. His taste for melody and dreamy beauty above roughness and intricacy confused people who were hanging on too tightly to the rules. He even brought in Japanese vocalist Kazumi, adding an extra human touch. "Challenge Me Foolish" is something of a companion to the Royal Astronomy record; arguably even better given the fresh ears selecting the material. It's imbued with a confident sense of pastoral colour, and a gentle optimism, utilising bells, studied orchestral arrangements and airy synthesisers. There's a strange sense of the old and new throughout, the sentimental and utopia, with nary a hint of darkness. Even when the album dips into the hyperkinetic rhythms of jungle, the melodies and mood still retain a sense of gentle warmth. Dive into peak time Paradinas. *Planet Mu